Strona 2 z 5

: sob 11 lis, 2006 15:04
autor: Sogetsu
właśnie mi się przypomniało:

"Wszyscy piszemy wiersze; rzecz po prostu w tym, że poetami nazywa się tych spośród ludzi, którzy piszą je słowami."
John Fowles - Kochanica Francuza

: sob 11 lis, 2006 15:17
autor: Go Go Yubari
Klasyki z anime vol.1

"You're thinking in Japanese! If you must think, do it in German!" - Asuka Langley

"And what's the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge." - Spike Spiegel

"Don't tell me he wants to conquer the world? Can't he come up with something more original?" - Lina Inverse

"Panties, Panties, Panties" - Chii

"The interaction of men and women isn't very logical." - Dr. Ritsuko Akagi

"If you die, I'll kill you!" - Zoro

"The past is the past... and the future is the future. A man is a man, and a woman is a woman. I am who I am, and you are who you are. Like it really matters anyway...." - Faye Valentine

: ndz 12 lis, 2006 01:12
autor: kwazi
Rok 1984


"Władza to nie środek do celu; władza to cel. Nie wprowadza się dyktatury po to by chronić rewolucję; wznieca się rewolucję w celu narzucenia dyktatury. Celem prześladowań są prześladowania. Celem tortur są tortury. Celem władzy jest władza."

: ndz 12 lis, 2006 10:43
autor: Grzybek Z Octu
Zasada w kontaktach z kobietami:

"Całować kobietę, która pali, to jakby lizać popielniczkę."

I kolejna, także ku przestrodze ;) :

"Minuta przyjemności podzielona przez sekundę nieuwagi równa się jednej trzeciej miesięcznej pensji mężczyzny."

: pn 13 lis, 2006 21:52
autor: Go Go Yubari
A film is never really any good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet.
~ Orson Welles

A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it.
~ Alfred Hitchcock

City of Angels:
I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it.

: wt 14 lis, 2006 15:40
autor: kwazi
Death Note: *(^__^)*

Raito: "Anyone can see you if they touch the Note right? I can't let that happen."
Ryuuku: "I suppose you can't tell them I'm just a friend either..."

: śr 15 lis, 2006 12:46
autor: Gveir
Zakończenie wiersza Pippa Passes Roberta Browning'a, dosyć często pojawia się w anime, np. jest w logu NERV w Evangelion'ie, a ostatnio jako ostatnie słowa 6 odcinka drugiej serii Black Lagoon. Ma w sobie to coś...

God's in his Heaven -
All's right with the world!

: pt 17 lis, 2006 05:56
autor: Pinhead
Cytat z filmu Rock Star

Tuż po wybuchu jądrowym ludzie będą pełzać, rozpalać ogień
i wtedy jeden człowiek zaśpiewa.
I to jest właśnie Rock 'n' Roll.

: ndz 19 lis, 2006 11:46
autor: Cthulhu
no to może znowu coś V ale tym razem z komiksu:

"Anarchy means without leaders, not without order"

"Happiness is a prison, Evey. Happiness is the most insidious prison of all."

i conieco po łacinie

"Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici" - "By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe." (kocham łacine... tyle treści w 5 słoach...)

: czw 23 lis, 2006 03:30
autor: Gveir
Filmowy cytat, jaki najbardziej mnie poruszył. Wypowiadany w niezapomniany sposób przez Rutgera Hauer'a w jednej z ostatniej scen Łowcy Androidów (Blade Runner).

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

: pn 22 sty, 2007 00:23
autor: Schrödinger
"The owls are not what they seem". (Sowy nie są tym czym się wydają)
Mój idol agent Cooper/Twin Peaks

: pn 22 sty, 2007 00:34
autor: Sogetsu
ja bym tu zamieścił dwa ostatnie zdania z Azumi (część druga), ale nie chcę spojlerować. kto widział, ten wie.

: pt 26 sty, 2007 13:40
autor: Harima_Kenji
"Only the dead have seen the end of war" - "Black hawk down"

"rejoyce , Oh young man in your youth" - "Platoon"

"...You don't like Beetho! I know , you're a Mozart fan. i Looooooooooove Mozart" Gary Oldman :) (Bóg nad bogami aktorstwa) w "leonie zawodowcu"

"The only way is to accept your own death" Fuma/X - clamp

"I'm the lowest of the low" Ikari Shinji/ neon genesis Evangelion

"Sometimes I feel like a piece of meat that keeps on livin' "
"Inside of me I'm screaming but nobody pays any atention. if I had arms I could kill myself.
If I had legs i could run away. if I had voice...I could yell for help , but no one would listen. I just can't see how can I go on like this...S.O.S. ... help me..

Tommy Got his gun / fragmenty teledysku "One' Metallici

: pn 26 lut, 2007 02:28
autor: Nienormalny_PS2
Spotkaliście się na pewno z tym, że ktoś ( lub Wy sami ) mówi ( cie ), że coś jest bez sensu. Jest taki cytat :
"Bo gdy sensu już nie ma, to sens się zaczyna".
A co za tym idzie :
"Każdy bezsens ma swój sens".
Ot taka rozkminka. :)

: wt 31 lip, 2007 14:50
autor: kilmindaro
Troszkę tego jest... ale, Imperator mi świadkiem, WH40k Wielkim jest!

* Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realise that you have no right to let them live...

~In Exterminatus Extremis

* Depot commander Vhotin: Authority must be respected. Orders are sacrosanct! Hekate disobeyed! Better that...
Ervin Hekate: B-better that this depot and every Imperial life in it had fallen than I disobeyed your order?
Vhotin: As the Emperor is my judge... Yes.

~The trial of Ervin Hekate

* He who allows the alien to live,
shares its crime of existence.

~Inquisitor Apollyon

* We've run into scorpions the size of battle-tanks, three men died of Eyerot last week, I've sweat enough to fill a lake, my boots got sucked into a sink-swamp and the trees are so thick in places, you can't squeeze between them. Emperor help me, I love this place!
It's just like home!

~Captain Rock of the Catachan III 'Green Devils', on the Death World Varestus Prime

* "Our end is come. But what an end! We have been given the most precious gift: a chance to roar our defiance into the foes that overwhelms us with their numbers. Let the Emperor himself hear our final battle cry! Forward warriors of the Guard, and die like the heroes that you are!"

~Last speech of Colour Sargeant Kint, before the annhilation of the Braxian 9th, in the Luxxan Campaign against the Orks

* A moment of Laxity spawns a life time of heresy. Never Forget. Never Forgive.

~ Dark Angels

* While vile mutants still draw breath, there can be no peace. While obscene heretics' hearts still beat, there can be no respite. While faithless traitors still live, there can be no forgiveness.

~Legiones Astartes Silver Skulls' Catechism of Hate, Verse I of XXV

* After the orbital strikes, Thunderhawk bombardments, Whirlwinds, Vindicators, fusion and starfire and finally Battle Brothers with flamers had finished cleansing the world of all the enemies of Man, we built a monastery in the center of the largest, most radioactive impact crater. We named the planet "Tranquility", for it was very quiet now.

~Brother Vlad Carthas

* If I were a proper brother-captain, I would know the prayer we are supposed to say. But I think you all know what we have to do. We do not know what our chances of survival are, so we fight as if they were zero. We do not know what we are facing, so we fight as if it was the dark gods themselves. No one will remember us now and we may never be buried beneath Titan, so we will build our own memorial here. The Chapter might lose us and the Imperium might never know we existed, but the Enemy - the Enemy will know. The Enemy will remember. We will hurt it so bad that it will never forget us until the stars burn out and the Emperor vanquishes it at the end of time. When Chaos is dying, its last thought will be of us. That is our memorial - carved into the heart of Chaos. We cannot lose, Grey Knights. We have already won."

~Acting-Brother-captain Alaric of the Grey Knights

* Do not ask, 'Why kill the alien?'
Rather ask, 'Why not?'

~Battle Brother Artemis of the Deathwatch