Strona 3 z 5

: śr 01 sie, 2007 20:21
autor: chalcedon
z filmu Scarface:

-"Say hello to my little friend!"

-"All i have in this world is my balls and my word"

z Ojca chrzestnego I:

"One day and the day may never come; I'll call you to ask for a favour. Untill that day except this as a gift"

A.Sapkowski "Coś się kończy coś się zaczyna":

"Za stodołą, gdzieś na płocie
kogut gromko pieje
Zaraz przyjdę miła do Cię
Jeno się odleję"

: pn 17 mar, 2008 15:25
autor: kilmindaro
Time Bandits tiem nao


Evil Genius: What sort of Supreme Being created such riffraff? Is this not the workings of a complete incompetent?

Baxi Brazilia III: But He created you, Evil One.

[Deadly pause]

Evil Genius: What did you say?

[Minions inch away from Baxi]

Baxi Brazilia III: Well He created you, so He can't be totally...

[Evil Genius blows Baxi to bits]

Evil Genius: Never talk to me like that again! No one created me! I am Evil. Evil existed long before good. I made myself. I cannot be unmade. I am all powerful!

[Polite applause from minions]

Cartwright: But why if that's the case, are you unable to escape from this fortress?

[Evil Genius waves his hand and obliterates Cartwright]

Evil Genius: [Circumspect] That's a good question...Why have I let the Supreme Being keep me here in the Fortress of Ultimate Darkness?

Robert: Because you...

Evil Genius: Shut up, I'm speaking rhetorically.

Robert: Oh, of course.

Evil Genius: I let him keep me here in order to lull him into a false sense of security. When I have the Map, I will be free, and the world will be different, because I have understanding...of digital watches. And soon I shall have understanding of videocassette recorders and car telephones. And when I have understanding of them, I shall have understanding of computers. And when I have understanding of computers, I shall be the Supreme Being! God isn't interested in technology. He knows nothing of the potential of the microchip or the silicon revolution. Look how he spends his time! Forty-three species of parrot! Nipples for men!

Robert: Slugs.

Evil Genius: Slugs!! He created slugs. They can't hear! They can't speak! They can't operate machinery! I mean, are we not in the hands of a lunatic? If I were creating a world, I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, day one! [he makes a gesture and accidentally shoots an energy bolt from his fingers, minion screams] Sorry.


Supreme Being: Dead? No excuse for laying off work.


Vincent: Oh no. The problem. The problem, Pansy, it's started again! Oh! Oh! I must have fruit!


Robin Hood: The poor are going to be absolutely thrilled. Have you met them at all?
Randall: Who?
Robin Hood: The poor.
Randall: The poor?
Robin Hood: Oh, you must meet them. I just know you'll like them. Charming people. Of course, they haven't got two pennies to rub together, but then, that's because they're poor.


Evil Genius: Stand by for Mind Control!


Evil Genius: You are a very troublesome little fellow. I think I should teach you one of my special lessons? What do you think, Robert? Benson? What would look nice? Half-warthog? Half-donkey? Half-oyster? Half-carrot?


Supreme Being: They'll think I've lost control again and put it all down to evolution.


Napoleon: Little things hitting each other. THAT'S WHAT I LIKE!


Kevin's Mother: Honestly, Trevor, if you were half a man you would've gone in there after the blender.


Winston the Ogre: [tossing out a fishing net] There used to be a time when you could be sure of catching old boots, cans, hat racks, boxes. Now it's prawns all the bloody time!


Randall: Look, do you want to be leader of this gang?

Strutter: No, we agreed: No leader!

Randall: Right. So shut up and do as I say.


Wally: Vermin, that is not meant to be eaten!

Vermin: You never know until you've eaten it!


Tego jest więcej.

: ndz 23 mar, 2008 14:03
autor: Isia
Tylko Lord Vader może nas uratować!

"Commander, tear this ship apart until you have found those plans, and bring me the passengers, I want them alive!"
"This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi, and will soon see the end of the Rebellion."
"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
"If this is a consular ship, where is the Ambassador?"
"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force."
"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."
"Apology accepted, Captain Needa."
" Join me, and together we will rule the galaxy as father and son. "
"No, I am your father."
"Your destiny lies with me, Skywalker. Obi-Wan knew this to be true."

: pt 28 mar, 2008 18:36
autor: Go Go Yubari
Tak mnie naszło przy okazji oglądania XD

Cultin: So Mulder, what do you think? Does this look like the work of little green men?
Mulder: Grey.
Cultin: Excuse me?
Mulder: Grey. You said green men. The reticulant skin tone is actually grey. They're notorious for there extraction of terrestrial human livers. Due to iron depletion in the Reticulan galaxy.
Cultin: You can't be serious?
Mulder: Do you have any idea what liver and onions go for in Reticula?

Mulder: They say when you talk to God it's prayer, but when God talks to you, it's schizophrenia.

Mulder: Is this Dr. Kurzweil's residence?
Detective: You got some business with him?
Mulder: I'm looking for him.
Detective: Looking for him for what?
[Mulder shows his ID]
Detective: Hey, the Feds are looking for him, too. Real nice business he's got, huh?
Mulder: What's that?
Detective: Selling naked pictures of little kids over his computer. You looking for him for some other reason?
Mulder: Yeah, I had an appointment for a pelvic examination.

MULDER: Scully, I think if you looked up from the microscope for a minute, you'd see that what's really missing is a motive.
SCULLY: The motive of any pathogen is to reproduce itself. And my job as a doctor is to find out if and how it is being transmitted.
MULDER: If this is a health crisis.
SCULLY: Death is a health crisis.

Mulder: Only place you had to be on time was home for dinner. Never had to lock your doors. No modems, no faxes, no cell phones.
Scully: Mulder, if you had to do without a cell phone for two minutes you'd lapse into catatonic schizophrenia.

: czw 07 sie, 2008 20:10
autor: kilmindaro
List Kozaków zaporoskich do sułtana - piśmiennicza pamiątka historii Siczy Zaporoskiej. Według legendy został napisany przez atamana koszowego Iwana Sirko wraz z "całą Siczą Zaporoską" w odpowiedzi na ultimatum sułtana osmańskiego Mehmeda IV. Datowanie listu jest niepewne; podawany jest 1667, 1675 i 1676 rok.

List sułtana
Ja, sułtan, syn Mehmeda, brat Słońca i Księżyca, wnuk i namiestnik Boga, Pan królestw Macedonii, Babilonu, Jerozolimy, Wielkiego i Małego Egiptu, Król nad Królami, Pan nad Panami, znamienity rycerz, niezwyciężony dowódca, niepokonany obrońca miasta Pańskiego, wypełniający wolę samego Boga, nadzieja i uspokojenie dla muzułmanów, budzący przestrach, ale i wielki obrońca chrześcijan — nakazuję Wam, zaporoskim Kozakom, poddać się mi dobrowolnie bez żadnego oporu i nie kazać mi się więcej Waszymi napaściami przejmować.

Sułtan turecki Mehmed IV
I odpowiedź
Zaporoscy Kozacy do sułtana tureckiego! Ty, sułtanie, diable turecki, przeklętego diabła bracie i towarzyszu, samego Lucyfera sekretarzu. Jaki z Ciebie do diabła rycerz, jeśli nie umiesz gołą dupą jeża zabić. Twoje wojsko zjada czarcie gówno. Nie będziesz Ty, sukin Ty synu, synów chrześcijańskiej ziemi pod sobą mieć, walczyć będziemy z Tobą ziemią i wodą, *** Twoja mać. Kucharzu Ty babiloński, kołodzieju macedoński, piwowarze jerozolimski, garbarzu aleksandryjski, świński pastuchu Wielkiego i Małego Egiptu, świnio armeńska, podolski złodziejaszku, kołczanie tatarski, kacie kamieniecki i błaźnie dla wszystkiego co na ziemi i pod ziemią, szatańskiego węża potomku i chuju zagięty. Świński Ty ryju, kobyli zadzie, psie rzeźnika, niechrzczony łbie, *** Twoja mać.

O tak Ci Kozacy zaporoscy odpowiadają, plugawcze. Nie będziesz Ty nawet naszych świń wypasać. Teraz kończymy, daty nie znamy, bo kalendarza nie mamy, miesiąc na niebie, a rok w księgach zapisany, a dzień u nas taki jak i u was, za co możecie w dupę pocałować nas!

Podpisali: Ataman Koszowy Iwan Sirko ze wszystkimi zaporożcami ... Mehmeda_IV

Wiem, że nie z filmu, gry czy książki, ale rzeczywistość jest o niebo ciekawsza niż nawet najlepsza fikcja.

: pt 08 sie, 2008 09:11
autor: Isia
I bardzo dobrze mu powiedzieli. Coby nie było offtopu:
Phil: It's the same things your whole life. "Clean up your room!", "Stand up straight!", "Pick up your feet!", "Take it like a man!", "Be nice to your sister!", "Don't mix beer and wine, ever!". Oh yeah — "Don't drive on the railroad track!"
Gus: Eh, Phil… That's one I happen to agree with.

: pt 08 sie, 2008 18:45
autor: kilmindaro
Ze świetnego serialu o dźwięcznej nazwie "Firefly"

Mal: "We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so...very...pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."

Wash: "Everything looks good from here... (beat...playing with plastic dinosaurs over his console) Yes. Yes, this is a fertile land, and we will thrive."

(as Stegosaurus) "We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... 'This Land'."

(as T-Rex) "I think we should call it...your grave!"

(Stegosaurus) "Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"

(T-Rex) "Ha ha HA! Mine is an evil die!"

Zoe: I know something ain't right.
Wash: Sweetie, we're crooks. If everything were right, we'd be in jail.

Jayne: "Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'..."

Mal: "If anyone gets nosy, know... shoot 'em. "

Zoe: "Shoot 'em?"

Mal: "Politely."

[After Doctor Simon Tam treats a gun-shot Kaylee, Mal decides to "do the job" and continue to Whitefall.]
Simon: What about us?
Mal: Kaylee comes through, you and your sister get off at Whitefall.
Simon: If she doesn't come through?
Mal: Well, then you're gettin' off a mite sooner.

[The crew waits quietly as a Reaver ship passes.]
Simon: What happens if they board us?
Zoe: If they take the ship, they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing. And if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order.

Jayne: "Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in command."

[A tied-up Crow is made to kneel outside Serenity as it prepares to lift off]
Mal: Now this is all the money Niska gave us in advance. You give it back to him, tell him the job didn't work out. We're not thieves -- well, we are thieves, but the point is we're not taking what's his. We'll stay out of his way as best we can from here on in. You'll explain that's best for everyone, okay?
Crow: [stands up] Keep the money. Use it to buy a funeral. It doesn't matter where you go, or how far you fly -- I will hunt you down, and the last thing you see will be my blade.
Mal: Darn. [kicks Crow into Serenity's engine intake]
[Cut to another henchman being placed before Mal]
Mal: Now this is all the money Niska gave us in advance--
Henchman: Oh, I get it! I'm good. Best thing for everybody. [desperate grin] I'm right there with you.

: sob 09 sie, 2008 22:17
autor: Go Go Yubari
No to trochę Gregory'ego :>

Dr. Cameron: Men should grow up.
Dr. Gregory House: Yeah. And dogs should stop licking themselves. It's not gonna happen

Dr. Eric Foreman: I think your argument is specious.
Dr. Gregory House: I think your tie is ugly.

Dr. Gregory House: You can think I'm wrong, but that's no reason to quit thinking.

Dr. Gregory House: Nobel invented dynamite. I won't accept his blood money.

Dr. Gregory House: Oh, bite me!

Stacy Warner: I need to talk to you.
Dr. Gregory House: From the doorway?
Stacy Warner: It's confidential.
Dr. Gregory House: Cool. I love gossip.

Stacy Warner: God, you are such an idiot.
Dr. Gregory House: Actually, I thought I was more of a jerk.

Dr. Cameron: Twelve-year-olds don't have sex.
Dr. Gregory House: Their mistake.

Dr. Wilson: I love my wife.
Dr. Gregory House: You certainly love saying it.

Dr. Wilson: I love my wife.
Dr. Gregory House: You loved all your wives.

Dr. Cameron: You want me to tell a man whose wife is about to die that she may have cheated on him?
Dr. Gregory House: No, I want you to be polite and let her die.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I need you to wear your lab coat.
Dr. Gregory House: I need two days of outrageous sex with someone obscenely younger than you. Like half your age.

Dr. Gregory House: McPhearson? Horrible doctor, I heard he tortured kittens.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: No, McDonald.
Dr. Gregory House: Oh, McDonald? Wonderful Doctor, loves kittens

Dr. Eric Foreman: It's dangerous, it could kill him. You should do it.

: ndz 10 sie, 2008 21:21
autor: Isia
Nie mogę tego zostawić bez komentarza...

Gwiezdne Wrota
"I don't suppose the word "dweeb" means anything to you guys."

Zakazana planeta i jedyna niekomediowa rola Lesliego Nielsena
"I'm in command of 18 competitively selected super-perfect physical specimens with an average age of 24.6 who have been locked up in hyperspace for 378 days. It would have served you right if he... they... oh go on, get out of here before I have you run out of the area under guard - and then I'll put more guards on the guards."

Commander Adams: Nice planet you have here. High oxygen content.
Robby: I seldom use it myself, sir. It promotes rust.

"...without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock ticking."

"Libra, I congratulate you. At last peace reigns in the heart of man. At last war is but a word whose meaning fades from our understanding. At last, we are whole. Librians, there is a disease in the heart of man. Its symptom is hate. Its symptom is anger. Its symptom is rage. Its symptom is war. The disease is human emotion. But Libria, I congratulate you, for there is a cure for this disease. At the cost of the dizzying highs of human emotion, we have suppressed its abysmal lows. And you, as a society, have embraced this cure: Prozium. Now we are at peace with ourselves and human kind is one. War is gone. Hate, a memory. We are our own conscience now, and it is this conscience that guides us to rate EC-10, for emotional content, all those things that might tempt us to feel, again, and destroy them. Librians, you have won. Against all odds, and your own natures. You, have, survived."

Piąty element
"Listen lady, I only speak two languages; English and bad English."

Flight Attendant: Mr. Rhod, you are going to have to assume your individual position.
RR: I don't want one position, I want all positions!

Mr. Kim: You got a message.
Korben Dallas: Yeah.
Mr. Kim: You're not gonna open it? Could be important.
Korben Dallas: Yeah, like the last two I got were important. The first one was from my wife, telling me she was leaving. The second was from my lawyer, telling me he was leaving…with my wife.
Mr. Kim: Aigh, that is bad luck. But grandfather say, "It never rain everyday". This is good news, guaranteed. Hey, I bet your lunch.
Korben Dallas: Okay, you're on.
Mr. Kim: Come on. [opens message, in a excited voice] 'You are fired'. Oh, I'm sorry.
Korben Dallas: At least I won lunch.
Mr. Kim: Good philosophy! See good in bad. I like.

Galaxy Quest
"It's a rock! It doesn't have any vulnerable spots!"

"As long as there is injustice, whenever a Targathian baby cries out, wherever a distress signal sounds among the stars, we'll be there. This fine ship, this fine crew. Never give up... and never surrender."

"Look, I have one job on this lousy ship! It's stupid, but I'm gonna do it, okay?"

"I remember that sound. That's a bad sound!"

"Self-control? That's funny, coming from a man who slept with every Turathian slave-girl and Moon Princess on the show."

"Look around you. Can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?"

"Perhaps I am not as stupid as I am ugly, Commander!"

Gwen DeMarco: We are not the people you think we are.
Mathesar: I don't understand.
Sir Alexander Dane: Don't you make any TV shows on your planet? Any theater, films?
Mathesar: The historical documents of your culture, yes. In fact, we have begun to document our own history from your example.
Gwen DeMarco: No, not historical documents. They're not all historical documents. I mean, surely you don't think Gilligan's Island is a —
[The Thermians' faces fall.]
Mathesar: Those poor people...

Pogromcy duchów
Back off, man; I'm a scientist.

You're right, no... human... could stack books like this.

We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!

I make it a rule never to get involved with possessed people. [pauses] Actually, it's more of a guideline than a rule...

[After Peter has gone to visit Dana in her state of being the Gatekeeper] She's not my girlfriend. I find her interesting because she's a client and because she sleeps above her covers. Four feet above her covers.

...human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!

Listen! Do you smell something?

If there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.

Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES!!!"

Dr. Peter Venkman: Have you, or any member of your family, ever been diagnosed schizophrenic...mentally incompetent?
Alice (librarian): My uncle thought he was Saint Jerome.
Dr. Peter Venkman: I'd call that a big yes.

Winston Zeddmore: Hey, wait a minute. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hold it! Now, are we actually gonna go before a federal judge, and tell him that some moldy Babylonian God is going to drop in on Central Park West, and start tearing up the city?!
Dr. Egon Spengler: Sumerian, not Babylonian.

Dr. Raymond Stantz: Hey. Where do these stairs go?
Dr. Peter Venkman: They go up.

Dr. Raymond Stantz: We used to roast Stay-Puft Marshmallows, by the fire at Camp Waconda.
Dr. Peter Venkman [looks at Egon]: Ray has gone bye-bye, Egon. What have you got left?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Sorry, Venkman. I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.

Pogromcy duchów 2
"Oh, Viggy, Viggy, Viggy, you have been a bad monkey!"

"Kitten, what I think I'm saying is, sometimes, shit happens, somebody's gotta deal with it, and who're you gonna call?!"

"We had part of a Slinky. But I straightened it."

"Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Sure, the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was trapped in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them. Because one time, I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you."

Venkman: Hi, Egon. How's school? I bet those science chicks really dig that large cranium of yours, huh?
Spengler: I think they're more interested in my epididymis.

Stantz: So you think there's a link between this Viggo person and the uh...slime?
Egon: Is the atomic weight of Cobalt 58.9?

Star Trek (woo!)

"Excuse me, Gentlemen. I'm a soldier, not a diplomat. I can only tell you the truth."

"I was out saving the Galaxy while your grandfather was in diapers."

"When I get my hands on the headquarters genius who gave me a female yeoman..."

"Live long and prosper."

"One of the advantages of being a captain is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it."

"It is more rational to sacrifice one life than six."

"He's dead, Jim."

"Immortality consists largely of boredom."

"In the strict scientific sense, Doctor, we all feed on death, even vegetarians."

: pn 11 sie, 2008 00:09
autor: Go Go Yubari
Sweeney Todd

Mrs. Lovett: Barker, his name was. Benjamin Barker.
Sweeney Todd: What was his crime?
Mrs. Lovett: Foolishness.

Mrs. Lovett: You're barking mad! Killing a man what done ya no harm!
Sweeney Todd: He recognised me from the old days. Tried to blackmail me. Half me earnings.
Mrs. Lovett: Oh, well that's a different matter then. For a moment there I thought you lost your marbles. Ugh! All that blood. Poor bugger. Oh well!

: pn 11 sie, 2008 10:00
autor: Isia ... 4837.phtml
"The second biggest monkey head I've ever seen" - jakież to życiowe.

: pn 11 sie, 2008 23:00
autor: Boni
Kilka cytatów Kinga:
"Jeśli będąc dziećmi uczymy się żyć, to będąc dorosłymi uczymy się umierać".

"(...) współczucie jest czymś bardzo tanim, kompletnie bezwartościowym".

"Zauważyliście, że z biegiem czasu coraz mniej jest w życiu wesołych kolorów? Pod koniec wszystko staje się szare jak pokrowce na meblach czy sukienka prana zbyt wiele razy."

"Nikt nie jest miły (...). W głębi duszy każdy jest śmieciem. Ty, ja, każdy."

"Liczą się nie te ciosy, które zadajemy, ale te, które zdołamy znieść."

"Najgorsze co może spotkać człowieka to przeżyć wszystkich, których się kochało, ale nie tych, których się nienawidzi."

"Idź, są światy inne niż ten" (Dark Tower) - mam sentyment do tych słów z racji tego, co dzieje się w późniejszych tomach sagi

"W tym roku Stella Randolph, która prowadzi pasmanterię w Tarker's Mills, dostała dwadzieścia walentynek - od Paula Newmana, Roberta Redforda, Johna Travolty... a nawet Ace'a Frehleya z zespołu rockowego KISS. Stoją otwarte na biurku po drugiej stronie pokoju, skąpane w zimnym księżycowym blasku. Przysłała je sobie sama, tak jak każdego roku".

"Ciekawość zabiła kota, satysfakcja go wskrzesiła".

"Szczęście to żart. Nawet fart to tylko uczesany niefart".

"Muszę przyznać, że przyjaciele, którzy widzieli mnie w tym trudnym czasie, rzadko mnie opuszczali. Było ich pięćdziesięciu trzech (któż może się pochwalić tak licznym gronem?): pięćdziesiąt dwie karty i butelka whisky."

"- Walczyłem. (...) Gówno latało równo, a my z okopów równo w to gówno." (Martwa strefa, ulubiona książka S. Kinga)

"Miasto Jerusalem zostało założone w roku 1765 (...).
Swoją niezwykłą nazwę miasteczko zawdzięcza bardzo prozaicznemu wydarzeniu. Jednym z pierwszych osadników w tej okolicy był twardy, uparty farmer nazwiskiem Charles Belknap Tanner. Hodował świnie, a jedna z jego największych macior nosiła imię Jerusalem. Pewnego dnia Jerusalem uciekła z zagrody do lasu, gdzie zdziczała i pozostała już na zawsze. Jeszcze przez wiele lat potem Tanner opierał się o swoją bramę i ostrzegał dzieci suchym, skrzypiącym głosem: "Pamiętajcie, bachory, jeżeli nie chcecie mieć bebechów w portkach, to uważajcie na Jerusalem!" I tak już zostało, co nie dowodzi niczego, być może poza tym, że w Ameryce nawet świnia ma szansę na nieśmiertelność."

[ Dodano: Wto 12 Sie, 2008 00:06 ]
O, zapomniałem o mrożącym cytacie z Misery:

"BenZ-O-Mati-C. Nigdy nie zapomnę tych liter, tych słów.
-Paul, nie bój się. Jestem wykwalifikowaną pielęgniarką."

Pisane z głowy, ale wrażenie nieziemskie w konkeście samej sceny, polecam ._.

: pn 15 wrz, 2008 18:54
autor: Go Go Yubari
House <3 Juz 25.09 1wszy sezon na dvd <3

Dr House: Widzisz, wszyscy ze względu na laskę zakładają, że jestem pacjentem.
Dr Wilson: Więc dlaczego nie zaczniesz nosić białego kitla jak reszta?
Dr House: Nie chcę żeby myśleli, że jestem lekarzem.

Dr House: Wszyscy kłamią.
Dr Cameron: Dr House nie lubi zajmować się pacjentami.
Dr Foreman: Czy zajmowanie się pacjentami nie jest powodem dla którego zostajemy lekarzami?
Dr House: Nie, zostajemy lekarzami żeby zajmować się chorobami. Zajmowanie się pacjentami czyni większość lekarzy żałosnymi.

Rebecca Adler: Chciałabym umrzeć z odrobiną godności.
Dr House: Nie ma czegoś takiego! Nasze ciała zawodzą, czasami po dziewięćdziesiątce, czasami zanim się urodzimy, ale to zawsze się dzieje i nigdy nie ma w tym godności. Nie obchodzi czy potrafisz chodzić, widzieć czy podetrzeć własny tyłek. To jest zawsze obrzydliwe &#8211; zawsze! Możemy żyć z godnością &#8211; nie możemy z nią umrzeć.

Dr Foreman: Chłopak właśnie pisał sprawdzian z matematyki kiedy nagle pojawiły się mdłości i dezorientacja.
Dr House: Właśnie tak matma działa na ludzi.

Georgia: Więc go obejrzałam. I grał tam ten aktor. Ten chłopak, Ashton Kutcher. Teraz myślę o nim cały czas. Bez przerwy.
Dr House: Aha.
Georgia: Przypomina mi go pan. Te same kuszące oczy.
Dr House: Ludzie często nas mylą.

Mark: Ale mamo, mówiłaś, że tata był twoją pierwszą miłością.
Georgia: Bo był. Rozmawiamy o seksie.

Dr Chase: Jakbyś się czuł gdybym zaczął się wtrącać w twoje życie osobiste?
Dr House: Nie cierpiałbym tego. Dlatego przezornie go nie mam.

Dr House: Cenisz naszą przyjaźń ponad odpowiedzialność etyczną.
Dr Wilson: Nasza przyjaźń jest odpowiedzialnością etyczną.

Dr Cuddy: Chcę żebyś założył lekarski fartuch.
Dr House: Ja chcę dwóch dni wyuzdanego seksu z kimś o wiele młodszym od ciebie. Powiedzmy dwukrotnie.

Dr House: Lubię swoją nogę. Mam ją od kiedy pamiętam.

Dr. Chase: Jeśli ona nigdy nie całowała się z chłopakiem, to zakładam się, że seksu też nie uprawiała.
Dr. House: Powiedz to wszystkim dziwkom, które nie chciały mnie całować w usta.

Dr. Foreman: Saturacja w normie.
Dr. House: Zmieniła się o jeden procent.
Dr. Foreman: Mieści się w normie. To normalne.
Dr. House: Gdyby jej DNA zmieniło się o jeden procent byłaby delfinem.

Dr. Wilson: Rozmawiam z pacjentką.
Dr. House: Umiera?
Dr. Wilson: Nie.
Dr. House: Więc może poczekać.

Dr. Foreman: Moglibyśmy ją przywiązać do stołu.
Dr. House: Odrażające i prymitywne. Podoba mi się.

Dr. Foreman: Nie możemy jej wiecznie unikać.
Dr. House: Chyba, że umrze... Na pewno nie ma raka piersi?

Nate: Hej, Doktorze X, wiem, że wypruwasz sobie flaki próbując mnie ratować...
Dr. Foreman: Nie. W porządku.
Nathan: Nie chaciałem ci dziękować. Chciałem tylko powiedzieć, że jesteś w tym do bani.
Dr. Foreman: Robimy co w naszej mocy.
Nate: O to mi właśnie chodziło. Wasze "robienie co w waszej mocy" ssie.

Dr. Chase: Nienawidzę tego dzieciaka.
Dr. House: Lubię tego dzieciaka.
Dr. Chase: Jeszcze go nie poznałeś.

Amber: Cześć Greg. Mówię ci Greg bo teraz jesteśmy równi jeśli chodzi o status społeczny.
Dr. House: A ja mówię ci Bezwzględna Suka, quod erat demonstrandum. A łaciny używam, bo nie próbuję ukrywać jaki ze mnie dupek.


: pt 26 wrz, 2008 18:33
autor: Sogetsu
Spice and Wolf:

"When a person lies, what's important is not the subject of the lie but the reason behind his lie." ~Horo

"Males are all foolish, jealous creatures. And females are fools who are pleased by that. Anywhere you look, everyone is a fool anyway." ~Horo

Jest tego więcej, polecam obejżenie Spice and Wolf właśnie dla samej Horo - jest niesamowita.
Horo <3

: wt 30 wrz, 2008 19:13
autor: Isia

Maj. Samuels: What if the aliens get it?
Col. O'Neill: Well, sir, they could be blowing their noses right now.

Capt. Carter: I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle.

Dr. Jackson: This tastes like chicken.
Capt. Carter: So what's wrong with it?
Dr. Jackson: It's macaroni and cheese.

Guard: [in Russian: Are you Soviet spies?]
Dr. Jackson: Nyet.

Dr. Jackson: Why are you so quick to jump to the conclusion I&#8217;m crazy? That I&#8217;m dangerous and out of control... ? (beat) It&#8217;s 'cause I&#8217;m kinda acting that way, aren&#8217;t I?

Urgo: I want to live, I want to experience the universe, and I want to eat pie.
Col O'Neill: Who doesn't?

Dr. Rothman: (...) give me a million-year-old fossil and I'll tell you what it had for breakfast, but I'm not too good at people. They're too recent.

Coś dla Abe'a:

The Wrath of Khan

Khan Noonien Singh: THIS is Ceti Alpha V!!!

[in Vulcan]
Saavik: He's never what I expect, sir.
Spock: What surprises you, Lieutenant?
Saavik: He's so-- human.
Spock: Nobody's perfect, Saavik.

Khan Noonien Singh: I've done far worse than kill you. I've hurt you. And I wish to go on... hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her. Marooned for all eternity, in the center of a dead planet. Buried alive... buried alive.

Saavik: By the Book?
James T. Kirk: By the Book. Regulation 46A: "If communications are being monitored during battle..."
Saavik: "... no uncoded messages on an open frequency". (To Spock) You lied.
Spock: I exaggerated.

The Search for Spock

James T.Kirk: (He enters McCoy's cell. He holds up his hand in the Vulcan hand salute.) How many fingers am I holding up?
Leonard McCoy: That's not very damn funny.
James T. Kirk: You're suffering from a Vulcan mind-meld, Doctor.
Leonard McCoy: That green-blooded son of a bitch! It's his revenge for all those arguments he lost.

James T. Kirk: David, what went wrong?
David Marcus: I went wrong.